This report is based on in-depth research and consultations all over Pakistan, with seasoned gender and climate change experts, policymakers, and community based organizations who have dedicated their lives to improving gender equity and environmental protection in Pakistan. Their insights not only highlight the challenges and impact of climate change on gender equality, but also the solutions and the way forward.
This study reviews the National Climate Change Policy (NCCP) from a gender lens, framing it within the context of women's work and lives in Pakistan, and national and international policy instruments the Government of Pakistan is a party to, particularly the Paris Agreement and the subsequent Gender Action Plan. It attempts to shed light on the differentiated impacts of climate change on women keeping in view their status and role in Natural Resource Management (NRM) and particularly the ways in which the NCCP and its Implementation Framework can cater more substantively to women's vulnerability induced by climate change, and generate gender responsive policy and implementation approaches.