The Punjab Commission on the Status of Women (PCSW) was created by the Punjab Assembly through the Punjab Commission on the Status of Women Act, 2014 as an oversight body to ensure that laws, policies and programs of the Government of Punjab promote women's empowerment; that efforts are made for expansion of opportunities for socio-economic development of women, and discrimination against women in all forms is eliminated. PCSW started functioning in March, 2014.
This report is based on in-depth research and consultations all over Pakistan, with seasoned gender and climate change experts, policymakers, and community based organizations who have dedicated their lives to improving gender equity and environmental protection in Pakistan. Their insights not only highlight the challenges and impact of climate change on gender equality, but also the solutions and the way forward.
Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurements (PSLM), 2018-19 is the eleventh round of a series of surveys, initiated in 2004. Current round of PSLM (Social & Household Integrated Economic Survey (HIES)) at provincial level survey covered 24809 households and provide detailed outcome indicators on Education, Health, Population Welfare, Housing, Water Sanitation & Hygiene, Information Communication & Technology (ICT), Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES) and Income & Expenditure. This report contains result on main indicators whereas detail reports for Social indicators and HIES 2018-19 will be released separately.
Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement Survey (PSLM), 2014-15 is the tenth round of a series of surveys that were to be conducted up to June 2015. The survey has been conducted with the aim to provide data to be used by the government to monitor development plans at district level and rapid assessment of programmes initiated under Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRSP) in the overall context of MDGs. Going forward this survey would be instrumental in SDG indicators monitoring.
The Government of Punjab has taken multiple administrative, legislative and policy measures through Women Empowerment Packages 2012, 2014 and 2016. These measures have reinforced the Government’s commitment to securing women’s political, social and economic rights in Punjab. Key legal amendments and laws passed in Punjab since devolution include Punjab Land Revenue (Amendment) Act and Rules 2012, Punjab Partition of Immovable Property Act 2012, Protection Against Harassment of Women at the Workplace Act 2012; Punjab Commission on the Status of Women Act 2014; and Punjab Protection of Women against Violence Act, 2016.
The Punjab Gender Parity Report 2018 is the 3rd in the annual series of status reports on women in Punjab. This report presents an in-depth look at the magnitude of gender disparity in the province across 6 thematic areas covering 300 indicators. The key areas covered in the report are Demographics, Governance, Health, Education, Economic Participation and Opportunities, and Justice.
Punjab Gender Parity Report 2017
Punjab Gender Parity Report 2016 provides a comprehensive analytical study of the status of women in the Punjab for the first time. It illustrates the socio-economic well-being of women in Punjab, through an examination of about 300 indicators spanning all the significant areas of a woman’s life. The main thematic areas covered in the report include demographics and governance, health, education, economic opportunities, legal rights and violence against women