Punjab Gender Parity Report 2021

The Punjab Commission on the Status of Women (PCSW) acknowledges the efforts of all stakeholders who
assisted in the development of the 5th Punjab Gender Parity Report. We want to thank all Federal and
Provincial Departments/Institutions (Punjab) and District offices of the government. They have
continued to respond to our data requests since 2015, providing us with information that has helped
shape this report. We are very grateful to UNFPA for their diligence and technical support, which
allowed us to prepare and publish the Punjab Gender Parity Report 2021. We would also like to thank
the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) for their generous support, without which the
report's completion would not have been possible. We are also thankful to Strengthening
Participatory Organization (SPO) for their support in compiling this report.

Publication Date 2021-12-31
Author(s) PCSW